Patients must meet all of the following criteria to be admitted to and receive continuing Home health services:

  1. The patient receives the care in their place of residence, not acute inpatient, SNF, or long-term care facility.
  2. The residence is within RODAN HOME HEALTH SERVICES, INC. (DBA HANA HOME CARE) service area.
  3. The patient, because of illness or injury is confined to the home. PLEASE NOTE: Transportation problems
    are not having a car or a ride does not quality a person for home health services.
  4. The home is a safe and appropriate setting in meeting the patient’s needs and providing the Home Health services.
  5. Your physician determines it to be medically necessary for the needed care to be given by a registered
    nurse or therapist in order to ensure safe, effective care.
  6. The patient and the caregivers are willing to participate in the plan of care and work toward specific treatment goals.
  7. All medical care is received under the direction of a physician



    Patients will be discharged from the Home Health Agency services for any of the following reasons:

    1. The patient is no longer homebound. We will help coordinate any  additional care, if needed,
       with the appropriate outpatient clinic.

    2. The treatment goals are reached or it is determined that goals are unable to be met.

    3. If your refusal to comply with the plan of care threatens to compromise the agency’s commitment to patient care.

    4. Your family or caregivers have been trained to perform services that can be provided by an unlicensed Caregiver.

    5. Changes in the home setting prevent safely and/or effectively meeting the patient’s needs or providing the service required.

    6. The conduct of the patient, your family or caregivers threatens the welfare or safety of the patient or home health staff.

    7. The patient moves from the RODAN HOME HEALTH SERVICES, INC. service area.

    8. The patient is admitted to an acute hospital, long-term care facility, and Skilled Nursing Facility or hospice program.

    9. The physician does not authorize the Home Health Agency care.



           Medicare has defined several conditions, which you as a patient must to be eligible for home health services. 
           One requirement to be eligible for home health services is that you must be confined to your home. Home confinement 
           must be due to a physical or medical condition.

            Section 204.A A of the Medicare Manual states that confinement of homebound status consists of the following:

  1. An individual is considered homebound due to a medical or physical condition such that there exists
    a normal inability to leave home.
  2. Leaving the home would require a considerable and taxing effort and would be medically contraindicative.
  3. Absences from the home are infrequent, for periods of relatively short duration or are attributable to the need to receive medical treatment.
          If you leave home once a week for social reasons, this would be considered a frequent absence, thereby making you ineligible to receive homecare services.
          If you leave home once a month for social reasons, this would be considered infrequent, thereby retaining you eligibility to receive home care services.
          If you cannot be left alone and must accompany a caregiver for safety reasons this would not affect your homebound status.
          The physician does not authorize the Home Health Agency care.